4 Hacks For Business Owners to Increase Productivity

By Comlink Solutions

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A work-life balance can sound like a myth for business owners most of the time.

No matter how focused you are every office mornings, it seems your pile of paperwork and documents never finish!

One hour is rigorously equal to 60 minutes. It’s impossible to ask for more.

But what if you can maximise this hour and finish more tasks within the given time? How can you increase your productivity in the office?

Here are 4 simple hacks you can easily implement into your daily routine to boost office productivity.

  1. Morning Boost

Start your mornings right. Preserve your morning energy on high-priority tasks and not on tedious, quick-fixes.

A good night sleep can do wonders in lifting our energy in the morning. Even if you’re not a morning person, this is still the time of the day when your mind is most fresh.

Quit the habit of checking your emails early in the morning and sometimes even before leaving the bed! Some emails don’t have to be answered asap and not all voicemail needs an urgent response.

Minor tasks can only cause burn out by the time you start on your top projects.

Induce productivity with task management programs such as Google Keep or Trello where you can see the priority rankings of your tasks.

Want to know how we can help you? Consult our Comlink experts now!

  1. Sort your “To-Do List” Properly

While we’re on the topic of Google Keep and Trello, practice a highly-effective To-Do List!

Tedious tasks can only be exhausting. Business owners need to focus on big tasks for the company to continue striving.

Start a master list including what needs to be finished during the day or week. Break them down into smaller daily tasks (still in the order of importance) until the project’s completion. This will be your visual guide in helping you concentrate on your business’ objectives.

Go digital with your list for easy access anytime, anywhere! See programs like Wunderlist or Any.do.

  1. Promote Team Productivity

Enhance your team’s productivity! Create an environment where productivity and positivity thrive as this can easily affect everyone in the office.

A good team activity that promotes productivity is morning huddles. It’s where teams gather together for a few minutes, typically no more than 15, and review key items on their to-do list.

You can also promote Microsoft’s Office 365 on your team. See our previous blog post The Top 4 Productivity Improvements Office 365 Offers for more ideas.

  1. Focus on your business

As a business owner, this final tip maybe sounds meaningless. Before rolling your eyes, make sure that you truly focus on the passion of your company alone. If you’re a part of the finance industry, make sure that you work solely on finance and not on extra office management tasks.

Most business owners barely realize they go out of their field to manage their business. Projects like business IT should be handled by an IT Solutions Provider you trust. Not only do they work with expertise, but this could also give you more time to focus on what your business needs to meet its industry standard.

An IT Solutions or a Managed Service Provider can help your business operate in its full potential with active monitoring and comprehensive business IT. If your business is located in Sydney, Comlink might be the right choice for you.


We only have 60 minutes in one hour. 24 hours in one day.

Between these, we struggle to find a work-life balance where our businesses prosper and our lives made richer.

Stop looking and test these 4 ultimate hacks to boost your office productivity now!

Comlink Solutions is experienced and established IT Solutions in Sydney specializing in backup and disaster recovery, project management, relocation, office 365, cloud migration, and an all-around IT specialist passionate about providing proven solutions to clients and businesses.  

Want to know how we can help you? Consult our Comlink experts now!